One Day Without Shoes – April 8, 2010

Children in developing countries often grow up barefoot. Many are not allowed to attend school without shoes and they are often injured or exposed to harmful minerals, which can lead to serious medical conditions. On April 7th and 8th you will have the opportunity to go barefoot during social studies class to help raise awareness of what children in developing countries face everyday. While it might sound like fun to go without shoes during class, think about what it would be like if you had to go barefoot for miles while you walk to school, get clean water or find medical help.


  1. Yessssss! No shoes in class!!!!! But I can't even try imagining going everywhere with no shoes?!:(
    -Chloe d.

  2. hello Mrs. Sparks! i just wanted to tell you that TOMS shoes are my favorite shoes in the world. they are so comfortable!

    Megan Mccollough

  3. Mrs.Sparks i forgot to add that I signed up to join the event sixth graders without shoes(:
    Megan Mccollough

  4. Hi Mrs. Sparks!
    This is Natalie Ton-nu and just wanted to tell you that thursday is going to be so COOL!!! I cannot wait. The only thing i would worry about is the odor of the feet. Have some air freshener handy. my sister goes to Rockenbaugh and her whole class is doing the no shoes thing on thursday. they are going to take a walk on friday. this is going to be a really cool event:)

  5. Hi Mrs. Sparks,
    This is Katie Danner. I can't wait for tomorrow!! It's going to be so much fun!!! I would not like to do it everyday, but it is so cool to do it just once! I watched your smilebox on Africa. It would be so cool to do what you did!!! I can't wait for tomorrow!!!

  6. Hi Mrs. Sparks,

    in germany a girl in my school was comming every day in summer with no shoes in school (barefoot).
    My friend and ,me was asking her why she is doing that, and she answered that this is comfortable.
    I cant for tomorrow!

    Katrin Trötsch

  7. I went to geo cube and learned about tsunamis and ho destructible they are. Amanda Davis

  8. hi mrs.sparks! i had the no shoes for a day thing yesterday and i thought that it was really cool and neat that we get to
    (kinda) be like the Tanzanian people for a day! (accually for a class period) :]

    -Christina Choi-

  9. Hi Mrs. Sparks. The day with no shoes thing was fun!! I went to geo cube and learned a lot about hurricanes. It has this whole passage about them. It was fun. :)
    -Thi Tran- :D


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