Passing on the gift....

In Homeroom, we discussed the importance of Passing on the Gift. It is the motto of one of my favorite charitable organizations, Heifer International. The idea at Heifer is they provide a family in need with livestock and give them the training necessary to raise the livestock. The gift provides a family with food as well as a way to make a living. The family in turn promises to give the offspring of their gift to another family in need. Thus...passing on the gift. To learn more, go to

Each child in my Homeroom has been given $30 to choose a gift to pass on to a family in need. They may chose from llamas, ducks, chicks, a cow, rabbits or a variety of other livestock gifts to pass on. Students, I would love to hear from you....feel free to comment on this post and tell me what you chose and why.   

I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season!


  1. Jourdan Blight- I chose to buy clean water with my $30 because many countries don't get the opportunity to have clean water. We take the littlest things that we take for granted are what some people in other countries want most. Clean water is very important and so I and with 9 other people are going to buy clean water for a village in need. : )

  2. I am choosing to buy a flock of chicks and a share of a pig. The reason is chicks provide eggs every day and it has a lot of protein. Since a hen can lay about 200 eggs a year, they can be able to eat and get money. They also don't need very much food so the family doesn't really need to buy a lot for the chicks and still be able to get clothes. Since I am also buying a share of a pig, it provides a lot of protein, and lots of piglets. Pigs don't need a lot of land of a lot of food a family won't need to buy that much for a pig.

  3. I, Cole Ragsdale am going to spend my 30 dollars to help in a group effort to provide a gift of clean water to a family. A gift of clean water is very, very important because if you go day by day to a river for water that has been polluted then that is very bad and it is unhealthy for the immune systems. The river could contain hundreds of diseases and could probably have a bunch of junk in it.

  4. Libby Lester- I am choosing to pass on the gift by using my $30 to help purchase water. Clean,fresh drinking water is an important part to having a healthy lifestyle. I hope that with this donation familys can be educated to preserve and protect water.


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