Understanding Myself Helps Me Understand the World!

This year we will be studying the people and places of the world.  We have identified the 5 fields of social studies and will now apply our knowledge of the 5 fields to our own family.  Each child received a letter in class explaining the project.  The letter and grading rubric are posted on my school website calendar for September 3 and 4.  You can see an example of an Animoto presentation on this blog by scrolling to a post I made on August 26, 2011.  The child who made the Animoto presentation followed up by elaborating on his topics and included global connections.  To help you understand the global connections, I have two examples below:

"My family history shows that my ancestors embraced the American dream of freedom and opportunity.  As I researched my family's journey to America, I discovered that I have ancestors that came from Ireland, Nova Scotia, Germany, England and Scotland."  (student then showed the family crest from the 1700's)

"My mom's family came to America from Ireland for job opportunities.  Even the children worked so they could send money to help their families in Ireland because it was suffering from a famine."

I hope you enjoy exploring your family connections.  Come see me if you need help :-)


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