Passing on the Gift......

In Homeroom, we discussed the importance of Passing on the Gift. It is the motto of one of my favorite charitable organizations, Heifer International. The idea at Heifer is they provide a family in need with livestock and give them the training necessary to raise the livestock. The gift provides a family with food as well as a way to make a living. The family in turn promises to give the offspring of their gift to another family in need. Thus...passing on the gift. To learn more, go to

Each child in my Advisory has been given $30 to choose a gift to pass on to a family in need. They may chose from llamas, ducks, chicks, a cow, rabbits or a variety of other livestock gifts to pass on.  Check out the video below:
Alton Brown Video: Heifer's work around the world

I hope the children enjoy passing on the gift and I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season!


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