A Quick Trip to the Top of Mt. Kilimanjaro :)

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  1. Dear Mrs. Sparks,
    I went to both of the websites that you put on your blogspot. I feel so bad for the people in Africa who have to work to get any water, They have to drink water that we would never drink. Now it feels like the people of America are being really greedy, no offense.

    P.S. When you talked about your trip to Mt. Kilamanjaro it was really cool. That is amazing that you would be able to do that without a problem.

    Your student,
    Katie Danner

  2. Dear Mrs. Sparks,
    I hope you had fun on your trip! I know, i know... that was like three years ago... but i am STILL going to say i hope it was fun! My goal in life is to visit Egypt an see the pyramids, if it is any interest to you. Just letting you know, my mom and I are going on a trip to Washington D.C. sometime in May. Since my mom is acquainted with some of the people that work in the Smithsonian, we get to go into the storage rooms, and i even get to go into the mummy room! It is said that even some people that WORK in the Smithsonian don't get to go into that room at all!! So... yeah im just saying it is pretty cool, am i right? Well back to your trip (since it is the moral of the comment) i am so happy that you helped all of those children out with the food and the water and what not! I want to follow in your footsteps some day! (except with the climbing the mountain thing... or maybe ill give it a shot!) I hope you climb many more mountains to come!!

    Another one of your students,
    Claire Bruning

  3. Thanks, Claire. Your trip to the Smithsonian with your mom sounds awesome!!! I wish I could go. I can't wait to hear all about it.


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